Web Platform

HTML Table Add Row - innerHTML vs. DOM vs. cloneNode

하얀전쟁^^ 2010. 8. 2. 11:02

Example 1: innerHTML

DOM table methods using innerHTML to fill in cells

function addRowInnerHTML(tblId)
  var tblBody = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0];
  var newRow = tblBody.insertRow(-1);
  var newCell0 = newRow.insertCell(0);
  newCell0.innerHTML = '';
  var newCell1 = newRow.insertCell(1);
  newCell1.innerHTML = 'cell 1 - just plain text';

Example 2: DOM

DOM table methods using DOM to fill in cells

function addRowDOM(tblId)
  var tblBody = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0];
  var newRow = tblBody.insertRow(-1);
  var newCell0 = newRow.insertCell(0);
  var newInput = document.createElement('input');
  newInput.type = 'text';
  newInput.value = 'cell 0 - text box';
  newInput.style.color = 'blue';
  var newCell1 = newRow.insertCell(1);
  newCell1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('cell 1 - just plain text'));

Example 3: DOM Clone

cloneNode to clone an existing row

function addRowClone(tblId)
  var tblBody = document.getElementById(tblId).tBodies[0];
  var newNode = tblBody.rows[0].cloneNode(true);